Digital real-time analysis

Ongoing real-time analysis of your digital content and channels in their entirety is key to successful communication. If you are active on various platforms and disseminate different content, you will soon lose track of your digital communication as a whole.

Working with us, you will maintain a good overview and full control of all your activities. We show you how to keep track of your content and channels and how to draw the right strategic conclusions from this data. This way you can constantly adjust and perfect your strategy. You keep track of your online and social media activities and are able to react to unexpected developments on a case-by-case basis. Your learn to adjust your activities based on the available data, to counter negative developments and bolster the positive effects in a targeted manner.


Get daily reports on how, where, how often and in which contexts you or your brand are mentioned in online debates. Together, we will work on industry-specific keywords. This will help you recognise opportunities in digital communication and to react quickly to threats.


Get the figures relevant to you analysed and visualised automatically, and receive a weekly or monthly report. These reports contain crucial aspects for your individual strategy such as hit rates, timelines and keyword clouds.


Ongoing analysis of your online and social media activities enables you to adjust your digital strategy at just the right time. We help you to draw the right conclusions from the data, and to make the most of your channels’ ongoing monitoring.


Ongoing monitoring means success


Monitor your digital activities in real time, and always know whether they have been efficient and whether they have succeeded or failed. There is no need to take chances because you always know which activities really work.


Real-time analysis tells you when to intervene, before any situation turns into a real crisis. If necessary, you adapt your strategy on the basis of data. Ensure communication that is successful long-term.


You benefit from a data-based overview of all your competitors’ online and social media activities. Learn from the best-practice examples of industry leaders, and avoid the common mistakes of your competitors.


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