Criticism, negativity, crisis …buzzwords every digital media manager is afraid of. But every digital crisis – if it is recognized and classified as such in time – is always an opportunity to optimize one’s own digital communication, to promote exchange between the responsible departments and to break down silo thinking. In our digital crisis workshop, you will learn how to maintain communication control on your digital channels even in the face of opposition and critical comments. Learn about monitoring and community management strategies tailored to your company, with which you can always keep an eye on the sources of critical comments to nip digital crises in the bud as far as possible. You will learn crisis-specific posting and moderation strategies that will enable you to regain control of communication on all digital channels. Always including industry-specific best and worst cases from the recent past.

Identify trouble spots in timely fashion
Digital Crisis Communication
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Industry-relevant examples
Every industry has its crisis issues. We work with you on industry-specific crisis cases from the recent past.
Digital crisis management
Recommendations for action in all phases of problem-centred communication: whether criticism, shitstorm or veritable digital crisis.
Maintain total control
Learn channel-specific de-escalation strategies for emergencies and de-escalate potential crises quickly and efficiently.
“A digital communication strategy is a package of digital measures ensuring you achieve your individual business goals. It is based on data-led analysis of your company, your customers and your competitors.”

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